NASA Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection
NASA Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection - Disc 2.iso
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# cdrom.gui - last revision: Jan 16, 1998
# Sample widget script for the CIDC CDROM.
# How to invoke this script:
# At startup. Set the enviroment variable GAGUI with the
# name of the script file, e.g.,
# % setenv GAGUI cdrom.gui
# At the GrADS command line prompt. Simply type
# ga> gui cdrom.gui
# Of course, you must have a version of GrADS built with
# Athena Widgets support.
# (c) 1997 Arlindo da Silva (dasilva@gsfc.nasa.gov)
# *** Copy freely but DO NOT sell ***
# See also sample.gui.
# Most "exec" commands are supported
# ----------------------------------
set gxout shaded
# A "label" is an inactive widget which display some text,
# e.g., an informative title. The first argument, "root"
# in this case, is the name you give to the widget so that
# you can refer to it later on
# -------------------------------------------------------
MakeLabel(root,"CIDC CDROM II")
# This command creates a dropdown menu called " File... "
# as usual, the first argument "file" is the name of the
# widget
# -------------------------------------------------------
MakeMenu ( file, "File" )
# Once you make a memu, you create its items. For the first item:
# --------------------------------------------------------------
MakeMenuItem(open, file, "Open", Load, "open")
# The parameters this particular item are:
# open the name of the item widget
# file the menu the item belongs to (see MakeMenu above)
# "Open" This is the text it displays on the screen
# Load this is the callback name, i.e., the widget invokes
# this function when pressed. This particular callback
# pops up a "file finder" widget, and after the user
# clicks on a file name it executes the grads command
# "open" (see last argument) on this file. A list
# of the other available callbacks can be found in the
# end of this file.
# "open" Argument to be passed to the callback. In this
# particular case, it is the GrADS command to be
# executed on the file.
# The definition of the other items in this menu follows.
MakeMenuItem(fsel, file, "File Selection ", FileSel, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(browse, file, "View Text File", Browse, NULL)
MakeMenuItem(junk, file, "_______________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(exec, file, "Exec", Load, "exec")
MakeMenuItem(run, file, "Run", Load, "run")
MakeMenuItem(gui, file, "GUI", Load, "gui")
MakeMenuItem(junk, file, "_______________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(init, file, "Reinit", Cmd, "reinit")
MakeMenuItem(exit, file, "Exit", Cmd, "quit")
# A menu with assorted internal options
# -------------------------------------
MakeMenu ( options, "Options" )
MakeMenuItem(map, options, "Continental Boundaries on/off", CmdStr, "set mpdraw " )
MakeMenuItem(tit, options, "Draw Title", CmdStr, "draw title " )
MakeMenuItem(cbar, options, "Color Bar", Cmd, "run cbarn" )
MakeMenuItem(junk, options, "_______________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(shade, options, "Shaded", Cmd, "set gxout shaded" )
MakeMenuItem(cont, options, "Contour", Cmd, "set gxout contour" )
MakeMenuItem(grfill, options, "Grid Fill", Cmd, "set gxout grfill" )
MakeMenuItem(grvals, options, "Grid Values", Cmd, "set gxout grid" )
MakeMenuItem(vec, options, "Vector", Cmd, "set gxout vector" )
MakeMenuItem(line, options, "Line Plot", Cmd, "set gxout line" )
MakeMenuItem(bar, options, "Bar Chart", Cmd, "set gxout bar" )
# Creates simple buttons. Buttons work pretty much like menu items
# but they do not belong to any menu and are directly clickable.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
MakeButton( clear, "Clear", Cmd, "clear" )
MakeButton( quit, "Quit", Cmd, "quit" )
MakeButton( prompt, "ga>", CmdWin, NULL )
# A menu for defining GrADS dimensions. This is very crude right now.
# I will be developing a specific callback with rubber bands
# etc. for these functions. Stay tuned.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
MakeMenu( dim, "Dim")
MakeMenuItem(lat, dim, "Latitude", CmdStr, "set lat " )
MakeMenuItem(lon, dim, "Longitude", CmdStr, "set lon " )
MakeMenuItem(time, dim, "Time", CmdStr, "set time " )
MakeMenuItem(junk, dim, "_________", NULL, NULL )
MakeMenuItem(x, dim, "x", CmdStr, "set x " )
MakeMenuItem(y, dim, "y", CmdStr, "set y " )
MakeMenuItem(z, dim, "z", CmdStr, "set z " )
MakeMenuItem(t, dim, "t", CmdStr, "set t " )
# Frequently used buttons (and toggle)
# -----------------------------------
MakeButton( var, "Var", VarSel, NULL )
MakeToggle( hold, "Hold", FALSE, NULL, Toggle, "hold" )
MakeButton( prev, " << ", Display, "<<" )
MakeButton( displ, "Display", Display, "DISPLAY" )
MakeButton( next, " >> ", Display, ">>" )
MakeButton( rein, "Reinit", Cmd, "reinit")
MakeButton( fresh, "Fresh", Cmd, " ")
# CIDC CD-ROM I menu's
# -------------
MakeMenu(old1, "Diagnostic 1)
MakeMenuItem(cfr, old1, "Cloud Fraction", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/cldfrc/assim54a.cldfrc.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(evp, old1, "Surface Evaporation", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/evap/assim54a.evap.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(olr, old1, "Outgoing Longwave Radiation", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/olr/assim54a.olr.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(osr, old1, "Outgoing Shortwave Radiation", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/osr/assim54a.osr.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(pbl, old1, "Planetary Boundary Layer Depth", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/pbl/assim54a.pbl.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(prc, old1, "Total Precipitation", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/preacc/assim54a.preacc.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenu(old2, "Diagnostic 2")
MakeMenuItem(q2m, old2, "Specific Humidity at 2 Meters", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/q2m/assim54a.q2m.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(qnt, old2, "Precipitable Water", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/qint/assim54a.qint.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(lwg, old2, "Net Upward Longwave Radiation at Ground", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/radlwg/assim54a.radlwg.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(swg, old2, "Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Ground", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/radswg/assim54a.radswg.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(swt, old2, "Incident Shortwave Radiation at TOA", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/radswt/assim54a.radswt.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(t2m, old2, "Temperature at 2 Meters", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/t2m/assim54a.t2m.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenu(old3, "Diagnostic 3")
MakeMenuItem(tg, old3, "Ground Temperature", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/tg/assim54a.tg.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(ust, old3, "Surface Stress Velocity", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/ustar/assim54a.ustar.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(vuq, old3, "Vertically Averaged uwnd * sphu", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/vintuq/assim54a.vintuq.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(vvq, old3, "Vertically Averaged vwnd * sphu", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/vintvq/assim54a.vintvq.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(wnd, old3, "Surface Wind Speed", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/winds/assim54a.winds.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(z0, old3, "Surface Roughness", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/one_layer_diag/z0/assim54a.z0.1smdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenu(sprg, "Surf. Prognostic")
MakeMenuItem(lwi, sprg, "Land Water and Ice", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/surf_prog/lwi/assim54a.lwi.1pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(psp, sprg, "Surface Pressure Minus ptop", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/surf_prog/psptop/assim54a.psptop.1pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(slp, sprg, "Sea Level Pressure", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/surf_prog/slp/assim54a.slp.1pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenu(uap, "Upper Air Prognostic")
MakeMenuItem(hgh, uap, "Geopotential Height", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/upper_air_prog/hght/assim54a.hght.8pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(sph, uap, "Specific Humidity", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/upper_air_prog/sphu/assim54a.sphu.8pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(tmp, uap, "Temperature", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/upper_air_prog/tmpu/assim54a.tmpu.8pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(uwn, uap, "Zonal Wind", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/upper_air_prog/uwnd/assim54a.uwnd.8pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeMenuItem(vwn, uap, "Meridional Wind", Open, "open data/assim_atmo_dyn/upper_air_prog/vwnd/assim54a.vwnd.8pmdgg.ctl" )
MakeButton(help, "Help", Browse, software/grads/help.txt)
# Once you define buttons and menus you may want to enforce their
# relative position. The very first button is always placed at the
# upper left corner.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# First row
SetWidgetPos(file, PLACE_UNDER, root, NO_CARE, NULL)
SetWidgetPos(options, PLACE_UNDER, root, PLACE_RIGHT, file )
SetWidgetPos(dim, PLACE_UNDER, root, PLACE_RIGHT, options )
SetWidgetPos(prompt, PLACE_UNDER, root, PLACE_RIGHT, dim )
SetWidgetPos(help, PLACE_UNDER, root, PLACE_RIGHT, prompt)
# Second row
SetWidgetPos(old1, PLACE_UNDER, file, NO_CARE, NULL)
SetWidgetPos(old2, PLACE_UNDER, file, PLACE_RIGHT, old1)
# Third row
SetWidgetPos(old3, PLACE_UNDER, old2, NO_CARE, NULL)
SetWidgetPos(sprg, PLACE_UNDER, old2, PLACE_RIGHT, old3)
# Fourth row
SetWidgetPos(uap, PLACE_UNDER, old3, NO_CARE, NULL)
# Fith row
SetWidgetPos(fresh, PLACE_UNDER, uap, NO_CARE, NULL )
SetWidgetPos(var, PLACE_UNDER, uap, PLACE_RIGHT, fresh )
SetWidgetPos(prev, PLACE_UNDER, uap, PLACE_RIGHT, var )
SetWidgetPos(displ, PLACE_UNDER, uap, PLACE_RIGHT, prev )
SetWidgetPos(next, PLACE_UNDER, uap, PLACE_RIGHT, displ )
# Sixth row
SetWidgetPos(hold, PLACE_UNDER, fresh, NO_CARE, NULL )
SetWidgetPos(clear, PLACE_UNDER, fresh, PLACE_RIGHT, hold)
SetWidgetPos(rein, PLACE_UNDER, fresh, PLACE_RIGHT, clear )
SetWidgetPos(quit, PLACE_UNDER, fresh, PLACE_RIGHT, rein )
# In order to make your widgets appear on the screen you *must*
# issue this command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# After your widgets appear on the screen, you can set the color
# of your widgets. The following colors are pre-defined:
# white, back, red, green, blue, yellow.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
GetNamedColor(pink,"gold") # pink is actually gold, get it?
# And you must call this function at the end of your first GUI script.
# This instructs the X Toolkit to enter an infinite loop, monitoring
# keyboard and mouse events. Repeating: you *must* call MainLoop().
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# APPENDIX: Currently available callback functions
# Browse Opens a text file, such as a help file, on a separate
# window.
# Cmd Executes a generic GrADS command
# CmdStr Like Cmd, but the user is prompted for an additional
# string to be appended to the GrADS command.
# CmdWin Invokes a window for GrADS command line interface.
# User can click on past commands from a list.
# CmdLine Invokes the standard GrADS command line interface.
# When the command line is active the other widgets
# are not available (may be fixed in the future).
# CloseWindow Closes the current window (do not use for your primary
# window or you will get stuck).
# Display A generic callback for displaying the current variable
# (or expression) set with VarSel. The options are:
# << decrements time and executes display
# PLAY starts animation from current to last time
# DISPLAY just executes display
# >> increments time and executes display
# If the "hold" toggle state is OFF (the default),
# the screen is cleared before displaying.
# Edit Like browse, but the user can edit the file. This simple
# text editor is integrated with GrADS, providing a very
# elementary Integrated Development Enviroment (IDE) for
# GrADS scripts. In particular, the script being edited
# can be executed by clicking on a button (not
# implemented yet).
# FileSel Pops up a scrollable list and asks the user to selected
# a file among the currently opened GrADS files (including
# SDFs). The selected file becomes the default.
# Load Pops up a "file finder" widget, and after the user
# clicks on a file name it executes a GrADS command
# specified as the last argument. In case of "open" or
# "sdfopen" the files becomes the default, and the
# user is asked to select a variable from this file.
# Open Similar to Load, but the file name must be specified.
# Toggle Turn internal options ON/OFF. The only internal
# option currently supported is "hold". This callback is
# usually used with MakeToggle(), see example above.
# VarSel Pops up a scrollable list and asks the user to selected
# a variable from the default file. The user can also
# type a generic GrADS expression instead of selecting
# a single variable.
# NULL Does not do anything, used for inactive buttons.